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Indigenous Weight Loss Hack
October 2024

Eat Cake, Pie, Cheesecake
Lose Weight

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Eat Cake, Pie, Cheesecake
Lose Weight

“Mommy, are you fat on purpose?”

After hearing these innocent words spoken by our 9 year old daughter, Elizabeth’s eyes filled with tears.

She felt ashamed, heartbroken and humiliated.

“Am I really fat on purpose?” Elizabeth kept asking herself as her worst fears came alive.

She remembered everything she had done...

All the painful diets that failed her one by one, keto, paleo, Atkins, every breath taking exercise, exhausting push ups, joint wrecking squats...

Every health guru that promised her she’ll get better if she just follows their miracle formula…

It was all for nothing.

Not one pound less on that bathroom scale, not one doctor could explain to her why she had gained so much weight since her last pregnancy…

This was truly… Elizabeth’s breaking point.

Crying and with her face red, my wife grabbed both my hands, stared into my eyes and asked me something that haunts me up to this day.

“What terrible thing have I done to suffer so much? she said.

It was the single most painful moment I had to endure in all my life and I wished right then to have been able to help my wife… but the fact is… I couldn’t.

I’ll never forget what happened next, but there’s a reason why I’m telling you this.

You see, as I watched my wife at the end of her rope, I felt angry beyond words.

But it also gave me the courage to go on an incredible 16 months quest, where I would uncover the shameless lies of the money grabbing weight loss industry…

And would eventually lead me to discover the one thing that not a single doctor, health guru or phony dietician has been able to figure out.

The one natural and inexpensive solution to my wife’s excessive body weight.

The only thing that has helped this beautiful 47 year old mother and wife drop 64 pounds in a matter of weeks.

Going from this… [Elizabeth before] to this… [Elizabeth after].

Without changing a single thing in her daily diet, without seeing one more self centered doctor and with absolutely zero surgery.

She rejuvenated her heart, arteries, lowered her blood sugar to normal healthy levels, and rid herself from the crippling feelings of stress and anxiety

Restoring her amazing confidence, sex drive and enthusiasm for life that all of us, myself included, thought she’d never enjoy again.

Despite what mainstream media dictates, the real root cause of excessive body fat and food cravings has nothing to do with how many calories you eat, how much time you spend exercising, or how many carbs you include in your diet.

Instead, as it’s been backed by recent clinical studies and research, it’s all due to a vicious cycle happening inside your fat cells, that is literally forcing your body to store excessive weight and is ruining your health and well-being in the process.

And once you understand how this cycle works, you’ll have the power to stop it and turn your body into a fat burning machine again.

You will be shocked to know that this incredible method was in fact first discovered more than 120 years ago by this brilliant German microbiologist, yet blatantly ignored by all of big pharma's paid doctors and diet gurus.

This mechanism is so powerful that it can help you burn fat faster than a hot knife cutting butter with less than a minute of your time every day.

It does not require you to count calories or give your favorite foods like brownies, pizza, apple pie or cheesecake.

And you do not have to change a single thing in your eating habits. Instead you effortlessly shed pound after pound of raw fat from your face, arms, hips, thighs and belly until every single pound of excess weight is gone.

In the next 3 and a half minutes I’ll show you the exact location where the excess weight storing process in your body actually begins.

Why this process is so dangerous, that if left unchecked, not only stores endless amounts of fat, but it’s also capable of changing the way your heart functions and spiking your blood sugar to uncontrollable, even life threatening levels.

Why your slow metabolism is actually a result of this vicious cycle…

I'll show you the results of the incredible double-blind, randomized, controlled clinical research trial that has actually proved there is indeed a key to stopping this process and restoring your body’s natural ability to burn fat correctly...

And the scientifically proven “fat burning restarter” that you can safely use today to burn all your excess weight, regain your energy, turbo-boost your sex drive, and support healthy arteries, joints and bone strength...

Plus all the peer-reviewed research that proves all of this works..

This incredible solution has already helped 88,000 women and men across America and all over the world and the success stories keep coming in.

Just hear some of them today...

Verified Purchase

“It worked for me…

I have a busy schedule, but it was time to put myself first for once.

You know, it’s really not what size those jeans you wear are, it’s about how it makes you feel.

And it’s just so life-assuring now… I mean my heart is healthy, my joints and back don’t hurt anymore..

I mean how couldn’t they?

When I look at myself in the mirror there’s practically nothing extra to keep them down.

I have lost 48 pounds ever since I started this.

I know this may sound weird but the best thing is that I can’t believe how good it feels just to be able to walk upstairs without running out of breath.

This is just life changing!”

Purchased 6 bottles

Verified Purchase

“I am now down 41 pounds.

My father recommended I try this every morning and ever since my life has changed.

My food cravings are gone, my blood sugar is back to normal, I’m now at a healthy weight…

This is truly a miracle!”

Purchased 6 bottles

Verified Purchase

“A few weeks later, and I lost 23 pounds.

Oh that feeling when you weigh yourself each day and the numbers keep going down…

I used to feel so tired and achy all the time… instead now I’m full of energy.

My joints feel healthier than ever. I feel amazing.

It’s like a big rock lifted off my chest and shoulders… I’m finally free and much lighter.

Thank you so much!”

Purchased 3 bottles

You see, success stories like these don’t even surprise me anymore.

Every day, my phone gets flooded with phone calls, texs, emails, Whatsapp messages and they all say the same thing…

That this program is guaranteed to work for any woman or man out there.

No matter if you’re a man or a woman, no matter if you’re 20 or 80 years old, no matter if your goal is to lose 20 or 100 pounds, whether you've been trying to lose weight for a week or all your life...

And no matter your current health status.

Now please listen because time is not on our side.

Some very rude people with bad intentions really don't want you to see and hear what I’m about to share today. They're afraid of the massive loss of profits that's about to come their way.

In fact, this is the 2nd time I’m uploading the same presentation.

I know this may come as a shock to you.

But there are people in the weight loss industry that will pull every dirty trick in the book to keep you overweight and unhealthy, especially since doing so makes them filthy rich.

So please make sure you pay attention to every second of this video, because it may very well save your life or the life of someone you love.

Just imagine, never having to face those judgemental looks on the faces of all the ignorant people that think less of you, only because they wrongly assume that you are too self indulgent to lose weight, lacking the necessary control and ambition.

Instead everyone will admire you, even be jealous of you, secretly asking themselves what they can do to achieve the same amazing results.

Your days will be blessed and you will absolutely shine like never before.

Your life… full of happiness and joy, and every morning you wake up more confident than ever in your stunning new body, ready to take over the world.

No more stressing yourself of what seat to choose in a restaurant or airplane every time you spend time with your loved ones…

No more guilting yourself every time you feel the desire for an ice cream or some chocolate, just like any other person on this planet…

And no more hiding in shame from your family just to have that extra bite between meals, or having to restrict yourself with those crazy tiny portions you've been eating. You know, the ones that only leave you hungry and frustrated.

You’ll be stress and worry free, full of energy and blessed, just like you were always meant to be.

Hi, my name is Ben Davis.

I’m 47 years old and I live in Charleston, West Virginia with my wife Elizabeth and our two beautiful daughters Meghan and Emma.

I work as a medical librarian for one of the top universities in the country and have been doing so for the last 22 years.

My job as a medical librarian is basically similar to any other librarian with one exception: I work with health related materials.

I’m extremely honored to say that over the years I’ve met hundreds of brilliant doctors, students and alternative medicine experts and assisted them in their research.

Not only that, but I’ve also had the opportunity to witness a few medical breakthroughs and life changing treatments being born.

Yet nothing matches the weight loss secret I’m going to share with you.

Elizabeth’s story started nearly 6 years ago when her weight got out of control and her health was deteriorating dangerously.

You see, Elizabeth and I met in college, fell in love with and married soon after.

We were blessed with our first daughter Emma in our late twenties, and then a few years later, our youngest child, Meghan was born.

Elizabeth was never the skinny type, but she was what all my college friends would call her… you know, a "hottie."

See… after her first pregnancy, Elizabeth gained 16 pounds then after she gave birth to Meghan, my wife put on another 26 pounds and they just wouldn’t come off.

No matter how hard she struggled.

And oh boy she tried everything… even some of those crazy diets that almost sent her to the emergency room.

We spent almost all our savings on fancy gym equipment, she went through all the popular diets at that time, keto, paleo, fasting, Zumba classes, she got measured and scanned by experts, we even hired a personal trainer.

She stopped eating after 6pm and starved herself for weeks, but every time she climbed onto that scale, the numbers would go up a pound or two.

Nothing worked.

After putting herself through months of torturous diets and fitness programs Elizabeth found that she had gained even more weight, surpassing what she had gained over the two previous years.

My wife was in a lot of pain, exhausted and humiliated and her health was deteriorating with every day that went by.

She was constantly tired, having trouble sleeping, always complaining about how bad her joints and back hurt her… and then the hopelessness started to settle in.

Worried about my wife, I convinced her to go see the doctor again.

But when Elizabeth looked at her results, her eyes filled with tears.

She had high blood pressure, high blood sugar and the doctor warned us if things don’t change soon, she could be in serious danger of heart failure.

“You may want to consider trying harder,” said the doctor, glancing at my wife as if she was wasting his time.

Now I am not the violent type, but I swear, at that moment I wanted to punch this guy straight in his face.

Elizabeth stormed out of the doctor’s office and cried her heart out all the way home.

She just didn’t understand why this was happening to her, why nothing was working, why her body had simply stopped listening to her.

But the worst… was yet to come.

Elizabeth’s younger sister's wedding was coming up and Elizabeth knew we had to attend, since they used to be very close.

But my wife was too ashamed to go… “how could I go,” she said to me in tears...

She had gained a lot of weight since the last time they saw her and she was afraid of what her family would say about her looks.

“That’s crazy! They always loved you” I said to Elizabeth, hoping that getting out of the house would take things off her mind.

My wife spent all day shopping, looking for something that would fit her new size and maybe try to hide some of those extra pounds.

When she came home she looked frustrated and in tears as she had found nothing that would match her new size and you know… cover those love handles.

Now, as we arrived at the wedding, I could see Elizabeth getting uncomfortable.

And as much as it pains me to say, no one in our family besides her parents and sister recognized Elizabeth, not even some of her closest relatives.

She had gained so much weight over the years that it was almost impossible for anyone to tell it was her.

And while everyone was smiling and having fun, talking to each other, no one at the wedding talked to Elizabeth.

She Was Completely Invisible To Everyone...

Meanwhile I looked over the room and could see all the other husbands with their stunning, slender wives...

But thinking of Elizabeth I felt disgusted and ashamed of myself.

A couple hours into the wedding Elizabeth agreed to come to the dance floor.

So there we were, my wife and I and our two beautiful daughters, Meghan and Emma, dancing, when a couple of women started laughing and whispering in the back.

“Oh wow! Can’t she see how fat she is? Is she doing this on purpose?”

Elizabeth looked at me and tried to fake a smile, but I could see she wasn’t feeling well.

It was that moment when I realized what a terrible mistake I’d made, forcing her to go to the wedding.

“Please let’s go! I can’t take this anymore!” Elizabeth said to me in tears.

My wife didn’t say a word to me on the entire ride back home.

As we got home, she locked herself in our bedroom and refused to come out, while our youngest daughter Meghan wouldn’t stop crying.

shouted through the bedroom door.

Next morning, as Elizabeth was making breakfast, our daughter Meghan pulled her mother’s arm and asked her.

“Mommy, are you fat on purpose?”

I wanted to sink through the floor.

Of course our daughter never meant to say anything like that, she must have overheard the other women at the wedding talking.

It was that moment when I saw that Elizabeth was at the end of her rope.

And to be honest, I was too.

In the heat of the moment, I yelled at Meghan to go to her room and think about what she had said to her mother, but I knew it wasn’t her fault.

It was none of their fault.

I just had to do something about this or I don’t know what would happen to my wife.

So that morning I went straight to the library. Since I am a medical librarian, I had access to all sorts of books, including some of the most important ones about how our bodies work when it comes to fat burning.

There was something that tormented me.

Why do some people stay skinny no matter how much they eat?

We all have that friend or acquaintance that no matter what she or he will eat, they will not put a single pound on their waistline.

It’s like their body had a bulletproof vest against fat or something...

So after a long night of research, here’s what I found:

As you may already know, your body contains fat cells which are behind how you gain or lose weight.

Fat cells also store energy, the one you get from the foods you eat, and convert it for use in regular bodily functions.

When there is more energy than your body needs, it is stored in the adipose tissue, otherwise known as fat cells, all around your body in the form of triglycerides.

Now, it may seem intuitive that when you diet or exercise, your body either intakes less energy (during dieting) or needs more energy (during exercise)...

Therefore to get that extra energy it needs to function properly so that your body uses its reserves, contained within your fat cells.

The more energy it takes from your fat cells, the more weight you lose.

But here’s where it gets tricky.

A complex study published in the Michigan Health Journal has found that a staggering 90% of those who diet or exercise retain their original weight while some unfortunate ones add even more pounds to their waistline.

Now that has been baffling scientists for years, as they couldn’t understand why this happens, since the math is clear on the subject.

You give your body less energy… in return your body uses it from your fat cells… then you lose weight that should never return.

It should be all plain and simple, right?

Well that’s what I thought so too, but what I discovered next had me doing mental flips.

The brilliant scientists from the University of Helsinki, Finland had tried approaching the problem in a different way.

Instead of trying to figure out why the body stores excess energy when you gain weight they analyzed HOW the body stores energy in your fat cells.

They wanted to know if something was wrong with the fat burning process.

And what they discovered sent the medical world into shock.

By going through the fat burning pathway, they realized that for overweight people this pathway was not functioning properly.

Imagine these pathways as a power plant which process all your energy intake.

If these pathways do not function properly, specifically within your fat cells, your body cannot take out the energy it needs to have in order to function.

And since your body cannot wait to get more energy, it goes to the other parts of your body, like your muscles and starts breaking them down instead.

And that’s one of the reasons why you feel tired all the time.

Now this was extremely interesting, but I still didn’t understand where this fat burning process went wrong at the beginning. I mean, where did it all start?

The answer came shortly, in the very next study I read.

Researchers from the University Of Iowa analized the connection between bacteria, toxins and fat and what they found was incredible.

As it turns out, the toxins produced by gut bacteria actually trigger an inflammatory response in the body, especially inside the fat cells, since that’s where the energy from your food is supposed to get stored.

This inflammation in turn prevents fat cells from doing their job properly which means that they cannot process energy correctly, which is exactly what the University of Helsinki researchers have found too.

And all that results in a bigger waistline that just won’t go away.

That’s why no matter how hard you try to lose weight it will always come back, bringing more weight with it, even if it seems to work for a little bit at first.

That is because if your body’s fat cells are not capable of transforming enough fat into energy, due to the burning cycle being damaged, it will try to store as much fat as possible for the future.

It basically goes into preservation mode.

It was incredible!

The solution to weight loss was hiding in plain sight all along… in your fat cells!

Now, as I sat there thinking about these incredible findings, I realized I still don’t know how you can fix all this?

I was stuck once again.

But life works in mysterious ways because not a week later, Elizabeth’s sister came to bring us the wedding photos.

She wasn’t aware of what happened at the wedding and frankly I didn’t want to burden anyone else with what Elizabeth was going through.

Now as I looked over the photos, I couldn’t help but notice one of our old classmates and very good friends from college.


Now, I haven’t seen Chris in a while, and it took me a bit to realize why I didn’t know it was him at the wedding.

He looked extremely different in the wedding photos.

You see, back in college, except for Elizabeth and I, pretty much everyone used to constantly pick on him, since he was the biggest guy everywhere he’d go.

He easily weighed somewhere north of 240 pounds.

It was truly hard on him.

But now, he was so changed, he was absolutely shining, with almost no extra pounds on his waist at all!

“What did this guy do to lose all that weight? I kept asking myself…

So I invited him for lunch.

As we sat down at the table, I was blown away.

Chris had lost all his extra weight, his legs were skinny, his body was tight and in shape, his hair was shiny and his skin was absolutely glowing.

It was the most incredible transformation I have ever seen in my life.

As we got to talk, I told Chris what happened to Elizabeth, all the diets and programs that failed her, all the frustration and humiliation she’s been through.

And I begged him to tell me his secret, if he knew anything that could help Elizabeth, I would be forever in debt.

“I’m more than happy to help you,” Chris said.

He was truly sympathetic and understanding and he confessed that Elizabeth and I were always nice to him and in a way, that was the least he could do for her.

Chris told me that he worked for one of the top nutrition giants, a company that does well over $400 million in profit every year by promoting their diet programs.

This also gave him full access to every clinical study, every weight loss related research, every new diet and fitness plan the industry ever invented.

Whenever a new diet or novel exercise would pop up, Chris and his team would be among the first to find out about it.

“Ben, you know how hard it was for me in college, with everyone being mean to me… worried all the time about what my body weight does to my health…” Chris said to me.

“It was the reason why I wanted to work for a company like this in the first place, because I wanted to be right there, where the solution to all my problems began.

“Oh boy was I wrong… it was in fact the base problem to all my problems that started from there... and for many others like me,” Chris added.

But what he told me afterwards, even up to this day when I know it’s 100% backed by scientific evidence... Well, I can’t believe these things are actually happening in our country.

Chris revealed three of the biggest and most dangerous "insights" of the nutrition and diet industry.

A secret so carefully guarded that he could get into a lot of trouble if his former employer found out he was talking to me.

And it’s because, as he said, this entire industry is filled to the brim with lies and deceptions, with a single purpose, to make big money off your pain and misery.

They don’t care about fixing your problem, because a customer that only pays once, is not a customer for life.

“This is the biggest racket scheme this country has ever seen”, Chris shouted.

And then he told me the first diet, fitness and nutrition insight.

Diets don’t actually help you lose weight and if they do, your fat will always come back with a vengeance.

Every one of those supposed fitness and nutrition experts already know this, yet the money is too big for them to say no to…

As Chris confessed, it took him 4 years to realize the actual scam he was participating in… all the diets, nutrition programs… so called experts, constantly changing their minds on what foods you should eat… what foods you shouldn’t eat.

The constant battle against carbs...

Jaclyn London, a senior dietitian at The Mount Sinai Hospital in New York says that "nearly half of your calories should come from carbohydrates.”

And that’s because almost every chemical process in your body requires carbohydrates.

You see, back in the distant past, there was no access to supermarkets or food delivery companies.

People never knew when they were going to eat next.

So now, when we eat, our bodies are using the same genetic encoding to find a way to store fat until our next meal.

So when you deprive yourself of nutrients, including fats or carbs, your body automatically prepares itself by storing as much fat as possible.

Because even if your mind knows, your body doesn’t know when your next meal is going to be.

Therefore, when you eat less, your body stores more fat to prepare for the future, and that’s why dieting is bad for your system.

In order for you to lose weight and keep it off for good, you have to deal with the real cause of your weight gain, a vicious cycle in the fat cells of your body that’s damaging your body’s natural ability to burn fat correctly.

Then Chris unveiled the diet, fitness and nutrition insight number 2.

Exercise can actually hurt your health and make you fat!

Listen, this is something fitness experts will never dare to tell you, because keeping you in the dark just makes them too much money.

As soon as your doctor recommends that you start exercising, there’s a multi billion dollar industry waiting to prey on you.

They say you should get on that treadmill and start exercising.

But no one tells you exactly what happens to your body as you start exercising.

When you work out, your body releases a stress hormone called cortisol.

This has been found in countless clinical studies and research to encourage your body to store more fat.

So the actual fat you lose during exercise comes back with a vengeance, because your body tries to preserve itself.

A recent study published in the American Journal of Medicine, based on over 1,500 individual cases, clearly shows that aerobic exercise is actually bad for overweight people who are trying to lose weight. [2]

And then Chris revealed the last and biggest insight of this giant industry.

Slow metabolism does not actually cause weight gain!

Recent research shows that overweight people have actually a faster metabolism and that’s because their bodies need more energy to cope with basic functions.

The weight loss industry tells you that if you want to lose weight, you should go on low carb diets that actually slow down your metabolism.

So once you do that, your body is forced to break down muscle to use for energy.

And the lower your muscle mass is, the slower your metabolism gets.

And then your body can easily store excessive fat after you come off the diet.

A 2014 study published in the Nutrition Journal found that participants who were on a high carb diet actually saw a drop in average blood sugar, plus lost weight and had significant improvements in blood pressure. [3]

The truth is, dieting, exercising and metabolism boosting tricks are simply not going to help you get that body shape you always dreamt of having and keeping it for the long run.

Now stay with me here, because in less than a minute I’ll unveil Chris’s secret.

As I sat there listening to my old friend talking, things were finally starting to make sense.

I mean I could see this with Elizabeth… all the overly expensive diet gurus, the personal trainer she hired… Everyone was telling her that she needs to work harder, that she’s not capable enough… that she has to punish herself to lose weight…

Yeah, each and every one of those people

Because here’s the thing… they tell these things to EVERYBODY!

They want you to feel bad… because if you feel bad, you will continue to pay them, thinking that by a miracle they will help you fix it.

But they only care about fixing one thing… filling their deep, greedy pockets.

“Chris, thank you so much for all this!” I said to my friend, almost bursting into tears.

“Wait Ben, I am not done. You came to me for a solution, didn’t you?, he stopped me.

“Well let me stand up then and show you the living proof of it.

Chris spinned around, showing me that every inch of his old fat was gone, I could see the toned abs in his tight shirt and I must say, I was a bit jealous of him.

“I did it, I escaped this vicious cycle and I’ll tell you all. I’ll tell you all of it Ben!” Chris said to me.

As I shared my findings with him, he looked at me with a big smile and said:

“That’s spot on, Ben! What you have right there is the information that could destroy a multi billion dollar empire… if only more people knew about it”

Chris then told me that after he quit working for the nutrition giant, he decided it was time for a new chapter of his life, so he went on a journey around the world.

He didn’t know it at the time, but it was this journey that was going to change his entire life.

He visited little known places, from the deep dark Amazonian forests to the incredible African tribes and remote Japanese villages.

He even met some of his old friends down the road, people who no longer trusted that the system could save them and took the matter into their own hands.

And almost at the end of his journey, he finally reached a remote Japanese village, where one of the villagers was kind enough to offer him shelter.

He was particularly attracted to this village as he saw the kind people sitting by the fire and telling stories every night and as we all know this from college, Chris was always in love with their language and tradition.

But my dear old friend had one sad story he had been holding too much of.

He wanted to leave his past behind.

Little did Chris know that the villagers would offer him his salvation.

Now, starting from his first day in the village, Chris noticed a strange habit they all had.

After every meal, they would take out a tiny bag and pour some of its contents into a glass of water, then drink it.

And he noticed something else.

That each one and every one of them, even the most elderly ones, looked decades younger, more energetic and they were all slim and in very good shape for their age.

At first, he thought it was all because of their simple lifestyle.

But as he found out, these villagers' eating habits were no different than any regular person's.

He sat with them every night and was shocked to see that their meals included a lot of carbs and sweets. In fact they loved eating all kinds of deserts!

“What is this powder? What does it do?”, Chris asked the villagers.

“It’s What Keeps Us Healthy,” they replied to him.

“Keep you healthy? What do you mean?” Chris asked with surprise clear in his voice.

“Look at us Chris, you’ve seen our eating habits… we don’t diet, we don’t exercise, yet we stay thin and healthy. And it’s not just us, in this village. Our entire country is. They all know or have a portion of the ingredients in this formula.

From time to time people from the United States, many of them extremely rich, come to this village and ask us to share this mix with them.

Others come to threaten us, we assume they work for big pharmaceutical companies… but we do not want to harm anymore Chris, we just want to help.

Yet a lot of them come bearing gifts and offering us money… but our way of life is way too simple to take their money.

Some of the elderly villagers even showed Chris something that looked like a big barn with all the gifts they have received over the years, stored because gifts for them are sacred, even if they weren't in need of them.

“This mix has extracts of plants and herbs that grow around the village, which our ancestors have found to have great benefits on our health and wellbeing,one of the villagers told Chris.

The villagers felt sorry for Chris and they handed him a big bag of their special formula plus the list of the ingredients.

“Take this after every meal and you’ll see results within weeks the villagers said confidently.

As soon as Chris got back home, he looked into each one of the ingredients from the Japanese villagers’ list, researching them thoroughly.

He realized it had 3 star ingredients.

The first star ingredient was a specific Japanese species of dandelions, or more specific dandelion root.

Dandelion root helps your body burn fat instead of storing it.

But more importantly, it has the seemingly magical ability to break the toxic cycle in your fat cells and help reduce hunger cravings.

The dandelion root also increases liver function, which flushes toxins and excess water from the belly area and in turn gives you a flatter tummy.

It is also being used to help enhance the immune system, reduce stress, improve sleep, boost energy, lower cholesterol and regulate blood pressure.

The second star ingredient was yellow dock root.

This plant has incredible antioxidant properties, reduces blood sugar levels and helps with type 2 diabetes.

And this one too has the capability to curb hunger cravings and flush toxins out of your fat cells.

It is also used to treat intestinal infections, fungal infections, and even for arthritis.

And the third super herb was chanca piedra, an extremely powerful antioxidant that has capabilities of lowering cholesterol levels.

It also helps with your body’s natural ability to burn fat properly.

Another ingredient on the list was Yarrow flowers.

This amazing herb has the ability to improve metabolic function.

Moreover, it has a diuretic effect and removes excessive water and reduces edema. Dozens of research papers now find this as one of the best herbal detox remedies for the gastrointestinal tract.

Red Raspberries are extremely high in fiber, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.

They have the amazing ability to burn fat, help with bone strength and even have incredible anti aging effects.

Plus, as he found out for the other magical plants, this too had the ability to curb hunger cravings, break the toxins from your fat cells and repair the fat burning process.

Then there was beetroot.

Another incredible ingredient with detoxifying abilities and which also contains special nutrients that regulate blood sugar and help your body burn fat.

This plant is also considered an adaptogen, meaning that it contains certain properties that can naturally restore and balance the body to promote better health.

Looking at all the ingredients it all makes sense for Chris.

It made sense why these villagers would be so healthy for their age.

What didn't make sense is why no one in the diet and nutrition industry lifted a finger, even with their hundreds of millions of dollar budgets, to find something even close to being as good as this.

And why Japan has the lowest obesity rate in the World, 11 times lower than what we have here in the US.

In just weeks after he started taking this special mixture, Chris lost all his excess weight, his hair and skin were glowing and he had the energy of a 20 year old.

Listening To His Story, I Felt Like There Was Finally Hope!

And as I looked into each one of the ingredients from Chris’s list, I understood why this formula was so powerful.

Every single herb, plant, fruit or mushroom was linked to dozens of studies and research.

Each one of them had the power to repair the body’s fat burning vicious cycle, stop hunger cravings and help your body naturally and correctly lose excess fat.

And not only that, but they also supported a healthy heart, arteries, joints and bone strength, had the ability to naturally lower blood sugar to healthy levels, rejuvenated the brain and improved memory and focus.

It was the most impressive thing I’d ever seen.

And yet not one doctor or health guru has dared to talk about these miracle nutrients in their expensive meal plans and diets, let alone told my wife Elizabeth about them.

Now, I knew that getting all these ingredients wasn’t going to be easy.

Chris could only provide me with a small sample, since it was all he had left from his journey, but would it be enough for Elizabeth?

And even though these nutrients were abundant in the small Japan village, just one round trip would cost me a small fortune, let alone taking several such journeys.

I needed a better plan.

A way to extract all these powerful nutrients and put them into a practical form that would make them easier to collect, store and consume.

So Chris and I started looking for companies that would help us buy the plants in bulk, bringing them into the States and manufacturing them into easy to swallow capsules.

Now, as the villagers warned Chris, in order for this formula to work, the ingredients had to be perfectly mixed in the right order and proportions.

And since Chris already had the formula, all we had to do is find a small, discreet company that would help us manufacture it.

We specifically looked for a company that was both FDA approved and GPM (Good Manufacturing Practices) certified.

Now this part wasn’t easy at all.

It took us weeks until we found someone reliable.

You’d be shocked by how ignorant most of these companies are when it comes to maintaining the quality and purity of their materials.

I remember feeling like I could jump over the moon when we actually found the one company that matched our standards.

Now, all we needed was someone with medical expertise to help us produce the ultimate weight loss formula.

And while we were at it, why not use modern technology to adjust quantities and make it even more powerful?

Luckily, Chris already knew the right person for the job, from back in the days he was working for the American Health Association.

His name was Dr. Alexander Pearson.

Dr. Pearson had over 38 years of experience in the field and was highly skilled in both traditional and herbal medicine.

And as he confessed, he was also interested in using this formula for his sister.

As I got to know Dr. Pearson, I realized that besides being a great doctor, he was also an extremely good person.

“Your Research Is Very Well Documented” Dr. Pearson Said.

“At least a dozen recent studies have confirmed that the real cause of why people can’t lose weight is the broken fat burning cycle in your fat cells”

“But we have to be very careful.” the doctor continued.

“Since this facility is so highly rated, it caught the attention of some of the top weight loss companies in the country and they’ve been receiving constant threats of litigation, ever since they tried to expose them and their shady practices.”

“I know only one other facility in the States that can produce this formula at the high standards you requested and it’s already owned by these greedy moguls.” Dr. Pearson concluded before he got to work.

He adjusted the quantities for each ingredient and the end result was a 4 times more powerful formula than the original.

He added a few key vitamins for fast nutrient absorption.

Vitamin E for cell regeneration and skin rejuvenation.

Vitamin C to boost the immune system and healthy blood pressure.

And Selenium to help support thyroid health and strengthen hair.

The Result Was A Work Of Art!

Now all we needed was one willing patient to test it.

And of course, that patient was Elizabeth.

All she had to do was to take one capsule a day with a glass of water.

Now, of course Elizabeth was skeptical, and in all fairness she had every right to be, after everything else had failed her.

But as Dr. Pearson explained, this wasn't like anything else.

So she agreed to try it.

The first couple days nothing happened and I could see her losing hope.

After the third day, she was that close to giving up.

But a few days later she had to do a double-take, the scale actually showed a couple pounds less, giving her hope.

Then something incredible happened... every morning, she would see that she had lost one or two more pounds.

Moreover, one late evening, when I suggested we stay up late and order some pizza, Elizabeth said “no thanks, I already ate dinner.”

We were both shocked.

Elizabeth would never pass on pizza or a late night snack.

It seemed that once the vicious cycle inside her fat cells had been broken, her body could finally burn fat correctly and her hunger cravings stopped.

She was back in control of her appetite.

And it was all natural.

She didn't have to force herself to stop eating, and was still down at least one pound each and every morning, like clockwork.

Plus, she still ate her favourite desserts like cheesecake, chocolate bars and apple pie.

Then, one morning, I'll always remember that day.

I Was In The Kitchen When I Heard Elizabeth Screaming Out Of Her Lungs...

I ran my heart to the bathroom where I saw her standing on that scale, smiling like a kid unwrapping her Christmas present.

As we both stared down, we burst into tears.

Elizabeth had lost 64 pounds.

The very next day she gave away all her baggy clothes as she didn’t need them anymore.

Then we went shopping for new sexy, tight ones at the mall and everything fit perfectly on her, no matter what she would put on.

She looked amazing.

I couldn’t take my eyes off her.

That night as we got home, she grabbed my hand and led me to the bedroom.

We had the most passionate night of our lives.

Every single bit of fat from her belly, arms, legs, hips and thighs had vanished.

When Dr. Pearson saw Elizabeth, he called this a true miracle.

Her skin was glowing, her hair was shining, she was no longer at risk of heart problems, her blood sugar had returned to healthy levels, the pain in her feet was all gone, and she was full of energy, vibrant all day long.

We’d Done It!

My wife had finally escaped from the vicious fat belly prison!

Now, seeing her like this, you can imagine that I wanted to share this with the entire world.

But as Dr. Pearson said, to prove this formula works for anyone, we needed more people willing to test it.

So we put adverts online and recruited 1,288 volunteers.

Men, women, mothers, fathers, people from all walks of life...

We specifically asked them to be 35 years old or more, with unexplained weight gain, exhausted, hungry and tired of diets and exercise.

The results were crazier than in our wildest imagination

Within just a few weeks, every single one of the 1,288 people experienced a massive drop in their weight.

The average weight loss was 56 pounds.

Food cravings vanished, while each one of them reported a staggering increase in their energy levels.

Dangerous visceral fat around organs gone…

So was any back pain, joint pain and aches… all gone.

Brain fog lifted while stress and anxiety disappeared.

They all eliminated risks of heart disease and normalized their blood sugar.

The feeling I had as thank you emails and phone calls kept pouring in, was absolutely priceless.

Just listen to some of their stories.

Joyce King, 44 years old from Naperville, Illinois says:

“This works! Oh my God! Something finally works, it’s unbelievable! I was this close to getting surgery when I found your website. Luckily I didn’t have to go through with it and risk my life.

Never in my wildest dreams have I thought this program would work so well.

For the first time in my life I feel like a heavy weight has been lifted off my chest. I feel amazing and so attractive! I am full of energy and happier than ever!”

Michael Warmuth, 49 years old from Fresno, California says:

“I felt extremely embarrassed when my grandson Mark came to me, and said grandpa, you’re so fat."

I needed to do something and when I read about your method, I knew I had to try it out. I verified all your research and you are right, it’s 100% accurate.

What’s even more incredible is how well this works! I’m slimmer than my two sons and it’s mind blowing!

My back pain has disappeared, I feel younger, more energetic and happier than I was in decades. I wish I'd known about this sooner!”

Maria Brimm, 47 years old from Phoenix, Arizona says:

“I felt like such a failure and a burden to my family, but now they absolutely love my transformation.

It’s amazing! I can eat anything I want, burgers, cheesecake, apple pie, guilt free and worry free and I’m down 58 pounds already!

My kids couldn’t be more proud of their mom and when my husband looks at me, I can see that sparkle in his eyes that he had when we got married.“

I’ve made it my life’s mission to help as many people as possible regain control of their lives with this incredible formula.

And now that you’ve seen how this worked for my wife and everyone else, I want you to see how it works for you.

It is my great honor to introduce...


The world’s first natural blend that addresses the root cause of your weight gain, a vicious cycle happening inside the fat cells of your body that blocks your body’s ability to burn fat correctly and damages your overall health in the process.

This formula is the perfect combination of 22 carefully mixed plant extracts and vitamins, each one of them of extremely high quality and purity.

We only produce Leptofix in our FDA approved and Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) facility using the latest technology and equipment.

Every capsule of Leptofix is made of non-GMO ingredients and is perfectly safe.

The process is very easy to follow, it doesn’t require any restrictive diets or starving yourself, in fact it’s recommended that you continue eating all your favorite foods.

And based on the tens of thousands of successful results we’ve seen, we can now say for certain that Leptofix is more powerful than any diet in the world.

Because it doesn’t just help you lose weight, but also rejuvenates your heart and arteries, improves your memory, focus, boosts your energy levels and sex drive, and so much more...

That’s why you’ll also be improving your overall health at the same time.

So, are you ready to break free from the belly fat prison?

To burn pounds of fat like clockwork every night, even when you’re sleeping…

To look in the mirror and feel what it’s like to touch with your own hands, a flat belly, toned abs, thighs and hips…

To regain the freedom and flexibility you had in your younger years…

To watch your husband or wife look at you with a gleam in their eyes again...

And to make all your friends jealous of the incredible transformation you’ve been through…

To never feel like a burden to your family ever again…

Just allow yourself to feel all this for a moment.

And tell me… how much would it be worth?

10 thousand?

5 thousand?

After seeing the staggering success of this program, Dr. Pearson recommended that we should charge at least $997…

And while my wife said it’s worth at least $497, given her incredible transformation…

And even though Leptofix has already helped over 88,000 women and men from all over the world, who would happily pay double that amount…

If this were about the money for us, we could have just taken Big Pharma’s offer and retire in riches on some exotic island.

But then stories like the ones you heard would not exist.

And that’s unacceptable for me.

Because the last thing I want is for anyone else to go through what Elizabeth went through.

All the pain, the fear of deadly healthy complications, all the shame, frustration and humiliation.

Nobody Should Be Forced

To Go Through This...


That’s why I’ll never ask for $997, $497 or anything close to that.

Our goal is to just cover the costs of the ingredients and keep this website running for as long as we can.

And even though we initially set the price at $99 per bottle, I’m very appreciative that you took the time and watched the entire presentation.

So today, you can get a 30 days supply of Leptofix for a one time fee of $69.

And not a penny more.

Now, after seeing the results of over 140,000 women and men, Dr. Pearson and I recommend you take Leptofix for at least 90 days to reach your ideal weight.

This will give your body enough time to absorb and process all the powerful nutrients behind this formula so you can start resetting your weight.

Also, the ingredients we use to produce Leptofix are very hard to find and that makes it almost impossible to keep our inventory very high, so you need to hurry, because every time we get a new shipment, our stock runs out in days.

By all means we want to help you as much as we can.

That’s why after talking to our manufacturer, they allowed us to offer a huge discount on the 6 bottle package of Leptofix.

This means that you can get it for only $49 per bottle and also get free shipping from us, for as long as the supply lasts.

Once we run out of stock, this discount will be gone forever.

So click on the 3 bottle package, or any other package you want...

Secure Your Discounted Leptofix Package While Stock Lasts

1 bottle 30 Day Supply
$69 per
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American Express Created with Sketch. Discover Created with Sketch. MasterCard Created with Sketch. Visa Created with Sketch.
Today only $99 $69
Small Shipping Fee
6 bottles 180 Day Supply
$49 per
You Save $300 !
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Today only $594 $294
FREE U.S. Shipping
3 bottles 90 Day Supply
$59 per
You Save $120 !
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American Express Created with Sketch. Discover Created with Sketch. MasterCard Created with Sketch. Visa Created with Sketch.
Today only $297 $177
FREE U.S. Shipping
Leptofix is only available for purchase on this website

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based on 12,027 reviews!

And join the 88,000 happy women and men who now enjoy the most incredible moments with their families, happier than ever.

Does this sound good to you?

Then look below now.

Once you make your choice you’ll be taken to our secure checkout page.

It takes less than a minute to enter your payment information and once your order is confirmed we’ll ship Leptofix straight to your doorstep.

Just select the 3 package option or any other package you want and hit the button below.

This is a one-time payment, with no subscription or hidden charges.

Secure Your Discounted Leptofix Package While Stock Lasts

1 bottle 30 Day Supply
$69 per
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American Express Created with Sketch. Discover Created with Sketch. MasterCard Created with Sketch. Visa Created with Sketch.
Today only $99 $69
Small Shipping Fee
6 bottles 180 Day Supply
$49 per
You Save $300 !
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Today only $594 $294
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3 bottles 90 Day Supply
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American Express Created with Sketch. Discover Created with Sketch. MasterCard Created with Sketch. Visa Created with Sketch.
Today only $297 $177
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Leptofix is only available for purchase on this website

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And remember, this can only be found through this website on this page only, it’s not available anywhere else in the world.

Now, like I said, given the current economic and social situation, super high quality ingredients that the ones we use become scarcer by the day.

Once we run out of product, it will take us 3 months to restock, which means that we are not able to guarantee supply the next time you come back.

Then there’s all those greedy weight loss giants that would like to see this site taken down right away… constantly threatening us and our families...

I don’t know how much we can keep this website alive... so make sure you make your choice below.

And if you’re skeptical, I totally understand.

You’ve probably tried a lot of methods over the years, put your hopes and trust and one after another they let you down.

But I’m very confident that Leptofix is the right thing for you, that’s why I’m going to give you our 60 day money back guarantee.

If after two months, you don’t see a dramatic change, even if you’ve used up the entire bottle, send us an email or call us and we’ll refund every penny back.

No questions asked.

There are no hidden fees and no subscriptions, just a simple, secure one time only payment.

So go ahead and make your choice now.

The truth is, you only have two options.

Option number one...

You can leave this page and act like nothing happened.


Ignore this powerful solution, all the groundbreaking research and the tens of thousands of women and men standing behind its incredible results.

Continue to face the judgemental looks of ignorant people that think less of you...

Waste thousands of dollars on useless dients and personal training programs that ultimately fail you one by one…

Knowing that you’ll never solve your problem this way...

This may sound familiar.

And I think you already know what will happen if you go down this road.

You can feel it growing inside you.

The hopelessness, the exhaustion, the endless anger, stress and anxiety.

The thought of being condemned to a life of humiliation and shame...

I know you don’t want that.

But why go down this road when you can choose option number two?

And let's be honest it's the only one worth considering.

You can say yes to this amazing transformation right now and hit the button below. You can say yes to yourself!

So go ahead, choose below right now.

Select your package and we’ll deliver Leptofix straight to your doorstep.

This is your moment right here.

Secure Your Discounted Leptofix Package While Stock Lasts

1 bottle 30 Day Supply
$69 per
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American Express Created with Sketch. Discover Created with Sketch. MasterCard Created with Sketch. Visa Created with Sketch.
Today only $99 $69
Small Shipping Fee
6 bottles 180 Day Supply
$49 per
You Save $300 !
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Today only $594 $294
FREE U.S. Shipping
3 bottles 90 Day Supply
$59 per
You Save $120 !
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American Express Created with Sketch. Discover Created with Sketch. MasterCard Created with Sketch. Visa Created with Sketch.
Today only $297 $177
FREE U.S. Shipping
Leptofix is only available for purchase on this website

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based on 12,027 reviews!

The moment when you look in the mirror and see yourself getting thinner and thinner and your body and mind feel younger, you feel light as you walk down the street and people can’t help to notice what an amazing body you have.

The future starts today, with one simple click and it’s 100% risk free and fully guaranteed.


Still here?

If so, you probably have some more questions about Leptofix so let me just go ahead and answer them now.

Is Leptofix safe?

We created Leptofix for people of all ages, no matter if you’re 20 or 80 years old, and no matter your current health condition.

It has no side effects, is 100% natural, non-GMO, doesn’t contain any stimulants and is not habit-forming.

We produce Leptofix only using high quality ingredients in an FDA approved and GMP (Good Manufacturing Practices) certified facility.

It doesn’t require any restrictive diets or starving yourself, in fact it is recommended that you continue eating all your favorite foods as you shed pounds effortlessly.

That’s because Leptofix is the only blend in the world that addresses the root cause of your weight gain, a vicious cycle happening inside the fat cells of your body that blocks your body’s ability to burn fat correctly and damages your overall health in the process.

Now, as always, if you suffer from allergies or other certain medical conditions at this time, we advise that you consult with your doctor first.

What if Leptofix doesn’t work for me?

The more results we see, the more confident we are that Leptofix will work for you.

To put your mind at ease, we decided to give a risk free 60 day money back guarantee for every bottle of Leptofix .

You have two full months to enjoy the amazing benefits of this formula.

If you decide Leptofix is not for you, you can return what you haven’t used in full, for an immediate no questions asked refund.

It should come as no surprise if I thought this was not going to work, I would not be offering such a deal.

But the tens of thousands of men and women who have tried it, are now living proof that Leptofix works for anyone and it will work for you too.

How many bottles of Leptofix should I order?

The real benefit of Leptofix will come after several months of this formula working through your body.

This is why we recommend the 3 or the 6 months packages.

Secure Your Discounted Leptofix Package While Stock Lasts

1 bottle 30 Day Supply
$69 per
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Today only $99 $69
Small Shipping Fee
6 bottles 180 Day Supply
$49 per
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Today only $594 $294
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3 bottles 90 Day Supply
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American Express Created with Sketch. Discover Created with Sketch. MasterCard Created with Sketch. Visa Created with Sketch.
Today only $297 $177
FREE U.S. Shipping
Leptofix is only available for purchase on this website

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based on 12,027 reviews!

Even if you order the 30 day supply only, after a week or two of seeing the incredible results it has, you’ll most likely want to order more.

But as I mentioned earlier, we are constantly running out of stock and during this international crisis, it is hard for us to restock as fast as we’d like to.

This may be your last chance to take advantage of our super discounted three or six bottle packages.

How do I get Leptofix?

It’s easy.

Choose your package below and fill the information on the next page.

Try Leptofix for 2 months and if you’re unhappy with the results, even if you’ve used up the entire bottle, send me an email and you get every penny back.

So ahead and select below now.

Secure Your Discounted Leptofix Package While Stock Lasts

1 bottle 30 Day Supply
$69 per
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American Express Created with Sketch. Discover Created with Sketch. MasterCard Created with Sketch. Visa Created with Sketch.
Today only $99 $69
Small Shipping Fee
6 bottles 180 Day Supply
$49 per
You Save $300 !
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Today only $594 $294
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3 bottles 90 Day Supply
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You Save $120 !
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American Express Created with Sketch. Discover Created with Sketch. MasterCard Created with Sketch. Visa Created with Sketch.
Today only $297 $177
FREE U.S. Shipping
Leptofix is only available for purchase on this website

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based on 12,027 reviews!

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8. Children under 13. Our Website is not intended for users under the age of 18, and we do not knowingly collect any personal information from children under 18. If we become aware that a person submitting information is under 18, we will attempt to delete the information as soon as possible.

9. Modifications to this Privacy Policy. We reserve the right to amend, alter, or otherwise change this Privacy Policy at our sole and absolute discretion. If we modify this Privacy Policy, we will notify all Users by a pop-up on our website. Further use of the Website following any such change constitutes your agreement to follow and be bound by the modified Privacy Policy.

10. Questions. If you ever have any questions about this policy or the Personal Data and General Information we have collected please contact our Data Protection Officer. We respect your rights and privacy, and will be happy to answer any questions or concerns you might have.

Data Protection Officer Contact:

Terms of Service

Effective Date:  March 1, 2020


Terms of Service document (“Terms”) is a legally binding agreement between you and ("the Website", “we” or “us”), and governs how you may use this website (“the Website”). If you choose not to agree with any of these Terms, you may not use the Website, and must leave immediately. BY USING THE WEBSITE, YOU ACKNOWLEDGE AND AGREE TO OUR PRIVACY POLICY, WHICH IS INCORPORATED HEREIN BY REFERENCE.

We reserve the right to take any action we deem appropriate if we determine, in our sole and absolute discretion, that you have engaged in any of the prohibited activities described below, or otherwise violated these Terms. Such action may include cancelling your account, terminating your license to use the Website, or initiating civil or criminal legal proceedings. Any rights not expressly granted herein are reserved by the Website.

These Terms do not apply to any of the products or services we offer that are described on this Website (our “Services”). The specific terms relating to your use of any given Service and how we collect, store, and share any information from or about Users of that Service, are detailed on the Service’s website.  

1.Website Description. The Website is intended to: (a) describe our company and its products; (b) enable Website visitors (“Visitors”) to contact us; and (c) enable us to interact with Visitors via live chat; and (d) Provide users of our Services (“Users”) with access to our customer forum. We reserve the right to modify or change the Website, or any portion thereof, and any applicable policies or terms at any time, without notice. We may also modify, suspend, interrupt or terminate operation of or access to the Website or any portion thereof, for any reason at any time, without notice.

2. End User License Agreement (EULA). We hereby grant you a revocable, non-exclusive, non-transferable, limited right and license to access and use the Website. The term of your license shall commence on the date that you visit the Website and will end if terminated by either you or us. We reserve the right to immediately terminate your license if you use the Website in breach of the terms set forth herein. We retain all right, title and interest in and to the Website, including, but not limited to, all copyrights, trademarks, trade secrets, trade names, proprietary rights, patents, titles, computer codes, and all other rights whether registered or not and all applications thereof. The Website is protected by applicable laws and treaties worldwide, and may not be copied, reproduced or distributed in any manner or medium, in whole or in part, without prior written consent from us.

3. Age Restriction. The Website is not intended for minors under 18 years of age, and you may not register or use the Website if you are under 18. You hereby represent and warrant that you are at least 18 years of age.

4. License Prohibitions. You may not utilize the Website in any manner or for any purpose other than that for which it is intended. You are further prohibited from engaging in any of the following activity:

(a) Copying, creating a derivative work of, attempting to access the underlying code of the Website;

(b) Interfering with or disrupting the Website, or servers and networks connected to the Website;

(c) Reproducing, printing, storing, or distributing any content on the Website without our prior written permission;

(f) Using the Website to violate any law (whether local, state, national, or international); or

(g) Disseminating or transmitting any worms, viruses or other harmful, disruptive or destructive files, code, programs or other similar technologies; or uploading software viruses or any other computer code, files, programs or other similar technologies designed to interrupt, destroy, or limit the functionality of any computer software or hardware or telecommunications equipment.

5. Privacy. Our use of your personal information is governed by the terms of our general Privacy Policy, which is made a part of these Terms by this reference. Except as set forth in the Privacy Policy, we will not sell, exchange, or release your personal information to a third party without your express permission, unless required by law or court or governmental order.

6. User-Submitted Content. The Website offers interactive chat functionality, discussion forums, or other interactive features in which you may submit information and post or upload user-generated content, comments, video, photos, messages, other materials or items (collectively, “User Content”). You are solely responsible for your use of any Interactive Areas and you use them at your own risk. Further, you agree that any User Content you upload, post, or otherwise transmit will be truthful and accurate, and will not:

(a) Defame, harass, stalk or threaten others;

(b) Include expressions of bigotry, racism, offensive content, hate speech, abusiveness, vulgarity or profanity;

(c) Contain pornographic or sexually explicit content, or be considered obscene, lewd, or otherwise inappropriate;

(d) Violate or encourage the violation of any rule, regulation, or statute;

(e) Contain threats of violence, or any other threat to personal or public safety; or

(f) Infringe upon any third-party copyright, trademark, trade secret, right of publicity or other proprietary right without the express permission of the owner of such copyright, trademark, trade secret, right of publicity or other proprietary right.

7. Consent to communicate with the company and its agents

This consent confirms the fact of your acceptance of the terms of communication with our company, our employees, and agents, as well as third parties to whom the right to appropriate communication may be delegated. The above-mentioned persons can communicate with you in any way of their choice and at any time, 24/7.

Ways to communicate with you are (listed below, but not limited to)

(a) By automated dialing.

(b) By automatically sending pre-prepared SMS-messages, which may include personalized promotional or discount offers, as well as network promotions and discounts that have not been adapted to a specific subscriber.

(c) By automatically sending pre-prepared MMS-messages, which may include personalized promotional or discount offers, as well as network promotions and discounts that have not been adapted to a specific subscriber.

(d) By automatically sending pre-prepared audio/video-messages, which may include personalized promotional or discount offers, as well as network promotions and discounts that have not been adapted to a specific subscriber.

This communication consent is valid regardless of the presence of your telephone number on any state, federal or corporate «Do Not Call» list.

This consent contains restrictions that do not allow us to send subscribers more than 60 SMS-messages per month

This communication consent is valid for 36 months from the date of its adoption. In turn, this consent is automatically prolonging for another 36 months after its expiration, on the principle of tacit consent, unless you have notified us about the desire to revoke this consent / written refusal to automatically prolongate the consent/application for revocation (withdrawal of consent).

This permission may be terminated at any time by notifying us of your desire to terminate this consent.

SMS communications work with the following carriers: AT&T®, Sprint®, Boost®, Verizon Wireless®, U.S. Cellular®, Cellular One®, and T-Mobile®, MetroPCS®. Msg&Data Rates May Apply.

To receive assistance, the subscriber must write an SMS "HELP" in response to the received SMS. SMS-message «STOP» is considered an appropriate message about the desire to revoke this permission.

T-Mobile® is not liable for delayed or undelivered messages.

8. Copyright. We respond to properly submitted notices of alleged copyright infringement that comply with applicable law. If you believe that your content has been copied in a way that constitutes copyright infringement, please provide us with the following information: (i) a physical or electronic signature of the copyright owner or a person authorized to act on their behalf; (ii) identification of the copyrighted work claimed to have been infringed; (iii) identification of the material that is claimed to be infringing or to be the subject of infringing activity and that is to be removed or access to which is to be disabled, and information reasonably sufficient to permit us to locate the material; (iv) your contact information, including your address, telephone number, and an email address; (v) a statement by you that you have a good faith belief that use of the material in the manner complained of is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agent, or the law; and (vi) a statement that the information in the notification is accurate, and, under penalty of perjury, that you are authorized to act on behalf of the copyright owner. Under the U.S. Digital Millennium Copyright Act, our designated copyright agent for notice of alleged copyright infringement appearing on the Websites is:

Attention: Copyright Agent

Address: 200 Continental Drive, Suite 401, Newark, Delaware, US

We reserve the right to remove any content alleged to be infringing without prior notice, at our sole discretion, and without liability to you, and/or to terminate your account if it is determined that you knowingly posted infringing content.

9. Assumption of Risk & Limitation of Liability. You expressly agree to assume any and all risks that may be associated with using our Website. In no event shall we be liable to you or any other party for any indirect, special, incidental, consequential, or punitive damages, however and wherever arising, that may result from your use of any element of the Website, including without limitation to losses incurred due to: (a) any monetary loss; (b) software glitches, server failures, power outages, or any other issue beyond our control; (c) any delays in or failure of the Website to operate as described; (d) any infringement of copyrights, trademarks, trade secrets, rights of publicity or other proprietary rights or any other harm resulting from the submission of User Content; or (e) any unauthorized disclosure of account information that may occur through the actions of any third party, such as hackers.

10. Indemnification. You agree to defend, indemnify and hold us, together with its officers, directors, employees and agents, harmless, from and against any and all claims, damages, obligations, losses, liabilities, costs or debt, and expenses (including but not limited to attorney's fees) arising from: (i) your use of and access to the Website; (ii) your violation of any term of these Terms; (iii) your violation of any third-party right, including without limitation any copyright, property, or privacy right; or (iv) any claim that your use of the Website caused damage to a third party. This defense and indemnification obligation will survive these Terms and your use of the Website.

11. No Warranty. We make no representation or warranty that: (a) the Website will be free of errors, bugs, or glitches, or that any such error, bug, or glitch will be corrected; (b) servers that house the Website are free of viruses or other malicious code; and (c) your use of the Website is in compliance with the Terms of Service of any third party, including, without limitation, third party social media services. THE WEBSITE IS PROVIDED ON AN "AS IS" BASIS WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY WHATSOEVER.  WE PROVIDE NO WARRANTIES WHATSOEVER REGARDING ACCURACY, RELIABILITY, OR DELIVERY, AND HEREBY DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES, WHETHER EXPRESS, IMPLIED, OR STATUTORY ARISING FROM COURSE OF DEALING, USAGE, OR TRADE, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, NON-INFRINGEMENT, OR TITLE.

12. Arbitration Agreement. THIS SECTION INCLUDES A WAIVER OF YOUR RIGHTS. You agree to arbitrate all disputes and claims that arise out of or relate to your use of the Website. Therefore, you agree that, by using the Website, YOU ARE WAIVING YOUR RIGHT TO A TRIAL BY JURY or to participate in any class action based on or involving claims brought in a purported representative capacity on behalf of the general public, other users, or other persons similarly situated. This agreement to arbitrate includes, but is not limited to, any dispute, claim or controversy arising out of or relating to your use of the Website. Any such dispute shall be determined by arbitration to be held in Palo Alto, California before one arbitrator. Any party to an arbitration proceeding may appear remotely by telephone or Internet. The arbitration shall be administered by JAMS pursuant to its Streamlined Arbitration Rules and Procedures. Judgment on the Award may be entered in any court having jurisdiction. This clause shall not preclude parties from seeking provisional remedies in aid of arbitration from a court of appropriate jurisdiction.

13. Choice of Law; Forum. You agree that the Website shall be deemed based in California, USA, and is housed on a passive server that does not give rise to personal jurisdiction over our website, either specific or general, in any jurisdiction other than California. This document shall be governed in all respects by the laws of the State of California, without regard to conflict of law rules. Any claim or dispute you may have against us, whether subject to mandatory arbitration or otherwise, must be brought in Palo Alto, California. For any matters not subject to mandatory arbitration, you agree to submit to the personal jurisdiction of the courts located within Santa Clara County, CA for the purpose of litigating all such claims or disputes. All claims filed or brought contrary to this section shall be considered improperly filed. Should you file a claim improperly, we may recover reasonable attorneys’ fees and costs, provided that we have notified you in writing of the improperly filed claim and you have failed to withdraw the claim promptly.

14. Limitation of Actions. Any claim or cause of action arising out of your use of the Website must be filed within one year after such claim or cause of action arose or it shall forever be barred, notwithstanding any statute of limitations or other law to the contrary. Within this period, any failure by us to enforce or exercise any provision of these Terms or any related right shall not constitute a waiver of that right or provision.

15. Modification and Notice of Changes. We reserve the right to change, modify, add, or remove any element of the Website and portions of these Terms, without advance notice to you. We will notify you of any changes to these Terms by posting a notice on the Home page of our website. Except as stated elsewhere, such amended terms will be effective immediately and without further notice. Your continued use of the Website after the posting of changes constitutes your binding acceptance of such changes.

16. Entire Agreement and Severability. These Terms and any document incorporated by reference herein, together with the Privacy Policy, constitute the entire agreement between you and us and govern your use of the Website, superseding any prior agreements between us. If any provision of these Terms is found by a court or other binding authority to be invalid, the remaining provisions contained in these Terms shall continue in full force and effect.

17. For Residents of Certain States.If you are a California resident, by using the Site, you explicitly waive the rights granted to you under California Civil Code 1542, which states: "A general release does not extend to claims which the creditor does not know or suspect to exist in his favor at the time of executing the release, which, if known by him must have materially affected his settlement with the debtor."

Under California Civil Code Section 1789.3, California residents are entitled to the following specific consumer rights notice: The Complaint Assistance Unit of the Division of Consumer Services of the California Department of Consumer Affairs may be contacted in writing at 400 R Street, Suite 1080, Sacramento, California 95814, or by telephone at (916) 445-1254 or (800) 952-5210.

If you are a New Jersey resident, certain sections of this Terms of Use may not apply to you pursuant to the New Jersey Truth in Consumer Contract, Warranty, and Notice Act.  Additional states may not allow an exclusion or limitation of liability, so the above limitation or exclusion may not apply to you.

If you have any questions or concerns with respect to these Terms, please contact us via our contact form or email us at:


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Fill the form below and let's make money together!

NOTE: By promoting our offer you agree to follow our affiliate terms. Any affiliate caught breaking these terms will be immediately blacklisted.

If you need affiliate content and tools, please fill in the form above or send us an email at [email protected]

Affiliate Terms of Use

All Affiliate advertising must NOT include content that is deceptive, misleading, untruthful, unsubstantiated, or otherwise fails to comply with applicable federal and state consumer protection laws, regulations, and guidelines. All affiliates (regardless of their country of domicile) MUST be in compliance with all applicable laws, regulations, and guidelines, including without limitation the Federal Trade Commission Act (“FTC Act”), the Controlling the Assault of Non-Solicited Pornography and Marketing Act of 2003 (“CAN-SPAM Act”), Federal Trade Commission (“FTC”) regulations and guidelines implementing the FTC Act and the CAN-SPAM Act, the FTC’s Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising (“FTC Testimonials Guide”), the National Advertising Division decisions of the Better Business Bureau, and other federal and state consumer protection laws, regulations, and guidelines.

Affiliates are NOT permitted to use ANY of Leptofix before and after photos, or user testimonials in their promotions. Affiliates may not bid on “Leptofix” based keywords, use the term “Leptofix” in any pay per click ads, use any terminology in ads or landing pages that are similar to ‘scam’ or ‘fraud’, or create customer incentives for purchasing Leptofix (through cash rebates or 3rd party bonus offers – NO BONUSING!).

Affiliates must also NEVER use any full or part of images or videos (including our sales and promotional video) that they do not own (unless given permission by this website), and are forbidden from using any imagery that would imply any personal endorsement (celebrity or otherwise) without written consent from both the individuals making the endorsement and Leptofix.

Affiliates must NEVER link directly to our checkout pages, our discounted checkout page, nor the discount sales page. All affiliate traffic must pass through our website. Affiliates must never attempt to sell our product at a discount. This includes creating discount offer pages linking directly to the checkout. Any affiliate caught doing this practice will be blacklisted immediately. All affiliate traffic MUST come through our sales page.

Affiliates are forbidden from creating web pages, social media pages or accounts that falsely represent themselves as the creators or owners of Leptofix product and must make it clear that the page is a review page. It is strictly forbidden to create apps for sale or for giveaway using Leptofix brand. You are also not allowed to create any other products using our brand name, for sale or for giveaway (in other words – no free reports, books, workouts, or apps branded with our brand name whatsoever). In short, do not represent a product created by you or someone hired by you as ours.

You are not allowed to promote Leptofix on retail sites, auction sites, or app stores such as Amazon, eBay, Google Store, iTunes, or any other site that falls into these categories, in any way, shape, or form (this includes products created by you or by us). As well, selling products branded with Leptofix brand on Craigslist, Kijiji, or any other classified ad network is forbidden.

Affiliate agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless Leptofix from any lawsuits, investigations, claims, or complaints arising from any such violation or alleged violation of the terms above. Leptofix shall not be responsible to approve any Affiliate Ads. Compliance is solely with the Affiliate and the Affiliate represents and warrants that it shall have legal review of all Affiliate Ads for all necessary and required compliance. Affiliates take full responsibility for their advertising.

Any affiliate caught breaking any of these terms will be banned immediately without hesitation, and will not be eligible for reinstatement.

Returns & Refunds

We hope that you’ll absolutely love our products.

For every order you place with us, you are fully protected by a 60 day 100% money-back return policy.

Here’s how it works:

If for any reason you are dissatisfied at any time during the 60 days after purchase, simply send us the product back by mail to the address you’ll find below.

Once we receive your product, we’ll start processing your refund which will take between 3 to 5 days.

To be eligible for a refund, your refund request should come no later than 60 days after we shipped your product to you. You can find the date on the package when you receive it or inside your confirmation email.

Send your product return by mail to:

19655 E. 35th Dr. #100, Aurora, CO 80011

Please keep in mind that we do not support the return shipping costs.

Follow these steps to get a refund:

  1. Fill the Return and Refund Form you received with your order.
  2. Send us back the product at the above address.
  3. Please be patient, we’ll refund your order in no time, once we receive your package. We’ll also send you an email and let you know it has been done.

Finally, and this is totally optional and at your discretion, we sure would appreciate it if you would include some explanation for why you’re requesting a refund, so we can work to make the product better.

We want you to be completely satisfied and we appreciate your feedback.

If you have any questions about the product, contact us at support@ and we’ll get back to you in less than 24 hours.

Contact Us

If you have any questions please contact us at by email at support@ or simply fill out the form below.

10% OFF special offer!
6 Bottles 180 Day Supply
10% Discount
Normal price $594
Discount price $294
Wait! I know we live in difficult times that’s why you’re getting 10% off when you select your package in the next few minutes.
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Only in the next minutes... Hurry! Your package is only reserved for a limited period of time.

Scientific References

Metabolic changes in fat tissue in obesity associated with adverse health effects
Staphylococcal Superantigens Stimulate Immortalized Human Adipocytes to Produce Chemokines
Cleavage of the leptin receptor by matrix metalloproteinase–2 promotes leptin resistance and obesity in mice
The Role of Exercise and Physical Activity in Weight Loss and Maintenance
Effects of 7 days on an ad libitum low-fat vegan diet: the McDougall Program cohort
Antinociceptive and Anti-Inflammatory Activities of the Ethanol Extract of Annona muricata L. Leaves in Animal Models
Anti Hyperglycemic Activities of Annona Muricata (Linn)
Global Obesity Levels
The obesity epidemic: current and future pharmacological treatments
Hypothalamic IKKbeta/NF-kappaB and ER stress link overnutrition to energy imbalance and obesity
Obesity is associated with hypothalamic injury in rodents and humans
Consumption of a fat-rich diet activates a proinflammatory response and induces insulin resistance in the hypothalamus
BuyGoods is the retailer of this product. BuyGoods is a registered trademark of BuyGoods Inc., a Delaware corporation located at 1201 N Orange Street Suite #7223, Wilmington, DE, 19801, USA and used by permission. BuyGoods role as retailer does not constitute an endorsement, approval or review of this product or any claim, statement or opinion used in promotion of this product.
† Statements on this website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
Copyright © 2024

Privacy Policy

Effective Date: March 1, 2020

This website (“Website”) is the property of (“we,” or “us”). We respect our user’s privacy, and we understand the importance of the information you entrust to us. This Privacy Policy describes our practices concerning the information we collect from you when you visit and use our Website.

Among other things, this policy describes the types of information we collect when you visit our website or utilize any of its functions, how we use and protect that information, how long we retain it, and with whom we share it. It also explains what your rights and options are as they pertain to that information. By visiting this website or using our Service, you consent to our collection and use of your information as described in this Privacy Policy.

This policy is incorporated into and made a part of our Terms of Service.

1. GDPR Compliance Statement: Pursuant to the terms of the EU General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”) and is the “Data Controller” with respect to all of the information collected from visitors to our Website and users of our Service. To ensure compliance with the GDPR, we have incorporated the following practices and procedures:

(a) We verify that the third parties with which we share User information are GDPR compliant;

(b) We ensure that data is stored in a manner that facilitates our ability to locate and delete information pertaining to a specific user upon request;

(c) The manner in which we use the information we collect are limited to those discussed in this Privacy Policy;

(f) If we modify any of the terms of this policy, we inform all of our Users; and

(g) We have appointed an internal Data Protection Officer who is responsible for overseeing our privacy and data protection procedures and will serve as the individual point of contact for information access and deletion requests.

2. Information We Collect. We collect two basic types of information from our Users:

(a) Personal Data:

(i) What is Personal Data? Personal Data is information that pertains to you specifically, and can help identify you as a person. We collect Personal Data from you whenever you complete a contact form on our website, including your name, email address, phone number, country, city, state, and zip code. You may also provide us with additional Personal Data in any email messages you send to us, or in the form of user forum posts or chats.

(ii) When and How do we collect it? We collect Personal Data from Users when: (1) they submit a contact form on our website; (2) initiate an online chat with us; or (3) submit a post to our User forum. In addition, when you visit our Website we will record your IP address and/or unique mobile device identifier. Under ordinary circumstances, an IP address recorded in isolation is not Personal Data under the standard definition of the term. However, it may become Personal Data when it is combined with other information, such as an email message.

(iii) How do we use Personal Data? We use Personal Data to communicate with you and respond to your requests. We may also use your email address to send you account related notices and promotional marketing materials. We use your IP address to identify your location in order to provide you with notices and other information that may be required by your local regulatory authority.

(iv) Where is Personal Data Stored? All Personal Data collected from Users outside and within the United States will be transferred and to and stored on the Amazon Cloud.

(b) General Information:  General Information consists of information that is anonymous in nature and does not identify you as an individual.  This includes your computer IP address, unique mobile device identifier, browser type, ISP or carrier name, and the URL of the last web page you visited before visiting our website. This information gives us insights on how our users use our site and our other products. We collect this information by using “cookies”, which are small bits of computer code that are transferred to your computer’s hard drive via a web browser, which enable us to record the general information described above. We use this information to ensure that our service continues to appeal to our users.

(i) How do we use General Information?  General Information gives us insights on how people use the Service, and helps us to maintain, modify, and enhance it. We use cookies to help us customize your experience when using the Service. We also use services provided by Hotjar, Google Analytics, Facebook, and ZenDesk, which set cookies for each User when they visit our site or use our Service.  

(ii) Where is General Information Stored? All General Information collected from Users outside and within the United States will be transferred and to and stored on servers located in the Amazon Cloud.

3. How We Share information. We will not share Personal Data with third parties for marketing purposes without your consent. We will share Personal Data with certain third parties in the following ways:

(a) Service Providers:  We utilize the following third-party service providers to perform certain functions on our behalf and must share certain information (including Personal Data) with them in order for them to do so. However, the information that is shared is limited to that which is necessary to perform their specific functions:  

(i) Amazon Web Services hosts our website (click here to view their privacy policy);

(ii) ZenDesk provides us with customer support and chat services (click here to view their privacy policy):

(iii) mazon SES provides us with email support services (click here to view their privacy policy);  

(iv) Google Analytics provides us with website analytics services (click here to view their privacy policy).

(v) Hotjar provides us with website analytics services (click here to view their privacy policy).

(b) Law Enforcement:  If requested or required by law enforcement authorities, courts, or regulators, we may disclose any information we have about our users. We also may disclose your Personal Data to exercise or protect legal rights or defend against legal claims.

(c) Bulk Asset Transfers: In some cases, we may choose to buy or sell assets. In these business transfers, customer information, including Personal Data, is typically one of the business assets that are transferred. Moreover, if all or substantially all of our business assets were acquired, or in the unlikely event that we go out of business or enter into bankruptcy, customer information (including your Personal Data), would be one of the assets that is transferred or acquired by a third party. You acknowledge that such transfers may occur, and that any assets may continue to be used according to your Personal Data as set forth in this policy.

(d) Other Third Parties: We may reserve and have the right to disclose any information about you or your use of our Service without your prior permission, if we in good faith believe that such action is necessary to protect and defend the rights, property or safety of our company or its affiliates, other Users of the Service or the public.

4. How We Protect Information. We use appropriate technical and organizational measures to protect the data we collect against unauthorized or unlawful access and against accidental loss, destruction or damage. We also limit access to User information to employees who reasonably need access to it in order to do their jobs. However, because no security system can be 100% effective, we cannot completely guarantee the security of any information we may have collected from or about you. In addition, we have no control over the security of other web sites that you might visit even when a link may appear to those web sites site from our Site. If you share your computer or use a computer that is accessed by the general public, remember to log off and close your browser window when you have finished your session.

5. How Long We Keep Information. We retain Personal Data and General Information for as long as necessary to fulfill a business purpose or comply with a legal request. We may also choose to anonymize certain elements of the information you provide to us so that it can no longer be attributed to you if we would like to retain it for longer periods of time. You may also request that we delete your information in the manner described in Section 6.

6. Your Options and Rights. We currently offer Users the following options with respect to the manner in which we collect, use, and maintain information, or to otherwise exercise their rights under applicable privacy statutes:

(a) All Users:  You may request that we stop sending you non-account related emails by clicking the “unsubscribe” link that is included at the bottom of non-account related emails. You may also request that we delete the information we collected from and about you by contacting our Data Protection Officer. You may also request that we not share your Personal Data with one or more of the third parties we share it with. Be advised, however, that this may limit or prevent you from using our Website.

(b) EU Citizens: If you are an EU citizen, you may request that we provide you with (or delete) all the information we collected from and about you, or otherwise exercise your rights under the GDPR by contacting our Data Protection Officer. Data reporting and deletion requests will be processed free of charge within thirty (30) days.

(c) California Residents:  Under the California Online Privacy Protection Act (“CalOPPA”), if you are a California Resident you may request information regarding the types of Personal Data we share with third parties for direct marketing purposes, and the identities of the third parties with whom we have shared such information during the immediately preceding calendar year. You may request further information about our compliance with CalOPPA by contacting our Data Protection Officer. Please note that under CalOPPA, we are only required to respond to one request per User each year, and we are not required to respond to requests made by means other than through requests submitted to our Data Protection Officer.

7. Tracking Technology and Do-Not-Track Requests. We employ certain applications that may enable us to track your online activities over time and across third-party web sites. We honor Do-Not-Track requests transmitted by Web browsers.

8. Children under 13. Our Website is not intended for users under the age of 18, and we do not knowingly collect any personal information from children under 18. If we become aware that a person submitting information is under 18, we will attempt to delete the information as soon as possible.

9. Modifications to this Privacy Policy. We reserve the right to amend, alter, or otherwise change this Privacy Policy at our sole and absolute discretion. If we modify this Privacy Policy, we will notify all Users by a pop-up on our website. Further use of the Website following any such change constitutes your agreement to follow and be bound by the modified Privacy Policy.

10. Questions. If you ever have any questions about this policy or the Personal Data and General Information we have collected please contact our Data Protection Officer. We respect your rights and privacy, and will be happy to answer any questions or concerns you might have.

Data Protection Officer Contact:

Terms of Service

Effective Date:  March 1, 2020


Terms of Service document (“Terms”) is a legally binding agreement between you and ("the Website", “we” or “us”), and governs how you may use this website (“the Website”). If you choose not to agree with any of these Terms, you may not use the Website, and must leave immediately. BY USING THE WEBSITE, YOU ACKNOWLEDGE AND AGREE TO OUR PRIVACY POLICY, WHICH IS INCORPORATED HEREIN BY REFERENCE.

We reserve the right to take any action we deem appropriate if we determine, in our sole and absolute discretion, that you have engaged in any of the prohibited activities described below, or otherwise violated these Terms. Such action may include cancelling your account, terminating your license to use the Website, or initiating civil or criminal legal proceedings. Any rights not expressly granted herein are reserved by the Website.

These Terms do not apply to any of the products or services we offer that are described on this Website (our “Services”). The specific terms relating to your use of any given Service and how we collect, store, and share any information from or about Users of that Service, are detailed on the Service’s website.  

1.Website Description. The Website is intended to: (a) describe our company and its products; (b) enable Website visitors (“Visitors”) to contact us; and (c) enable us to interact with Visitors via live chat; and (d) Provide users of our Services (“Users”) with access to our customer forum. We reserve the right to modify or change the Website, or any portion thereof, and any applicable policies or terms at any time, without notice. We may also modify, suspend, interrupt or terminate operation of or access to the Website or any portion thereof, for any reason at any time, without notice.

2. End User License Agreement (EULA). We hereby grant you a revocable, non-exclusive, non-transferable, limited right and license to access and use the Website. The term of your license shall commence on the date that you visit the Website and will end if terminated by either you or us. We reserve the right to immediately terminate your license if you use the Website in breach of the terms set forth herein. We retain all right, title and interest in and to the Website, including, but not limited to, all copyrights, trademarks, trade secrets, trade names, proprietary rights, patents, titles, computer codes, and all other rights whether registered or not and all applications thereof. The Website is protected by applicable laws and treaties worldwide, and may not be copied, reproduced or distributed in any manner or medium, in whole or in part, without prior written consent from us.

3. Age Restriction. The Website is not intended for minors under 18 years of age, and you may not register or use the Website if you are under 18. You hereby represent and warrant that you are at least 18 years of age.

4. License Prohibitions. You may not utilize the Website in any manner or for any purpose other than that for which it is intended. You are further prohibited from engaging in any of the following activity:

(a) Copying, creating a derivative work of, attempting to access the underlying code of the Website;

(b) Interfering with or disrupting the Website, or servers and networks connected to the Website;

(c) Reproducing, printing, storing, or distributing any content on the Website without our prior written permission;

(f) Using the Website to violate any law (whether local, state, national, or international); or

(g) Disseminating or transmitting any worms, viruses or other harmful, disruptive or destructive files, code, programs or other similar technologies; or uploading software viruses or any other computer code, files, programs or other similar technologies designed to interrupt, destroy, or limit the functionality of any computer software or hardware or telecommunications equipment.

5. Privacy. Our use of your personal information is governed by the terms of our general Privacy Policy, which is made a part of these Terms by this reference. Except as set forth in the Privacy Policy, we will not sell, exchange, or release your personal information to a third party without your express permission, unless required by law or court or governmental order.

6. User-Submitted Content. The Website offers interactive chat functionality, discussion forums, or other interactive features in which you may submit information and post or upload user-generated content, comments, video, photos, messages, other materials or items (collectively, “User Content”). You are solely responsible for your use of any Interactive Areas and you use them at your own risk. Further, you agree that any User Content you upload, post, or otherwise transmit will be truthful and accurate, and will not:

(a) Defame, harass, stalk or threaten others;

(b) Include expressions of bigotry, racism, offensive content, hate speech, abusiveness, vulgarity or profanity;

(c) Contain pornographic or sexually explicit content, or be considered obscene, lewd, or otherwise inappropriate;

(d) Violate or encourage the violation of any rule, regulation, or statute;

(e) Contain threats of violence, or any other threat to personal or public safety; or

(f) Infringe upon any third-party copyright, trademark, trade secret, right of publicity or other proprietary right without the express permission of the owner of such copyright, trademark, trade secret, right of publicity or other proprietary right.

7. Consent to communicate with the company and its agents

This consent confirms the fact of your acceptance of the terms of communication with our company, our employees, and agents, as well as third parties to whom the right to appropriate communication may be delegated. The above-mentioned persons can communicate with you in any way of their choice and at any time, 24/7.

Ways to communicate with you are (listed below, but not limited to)

(a) By automated dialing.

(b) By automatically sending pre-prepared SMS-messages, which may include personalized promotional or discount offers, as well as network promotions and discounts that have not been adapted to a specific subscriber.

(c) By automatically sending pre-prepared MMS-messages, which may include personalized promotional or discount offers, as well as network promotions and discounts that have not been adapted to a specific subscriber.

(d) By automatically sending pre-prepared audio/video-messages, which may include personalized promotional or discount offers, as well as network promotions and discounts that have not been adapted to a specific subscriber.

This communication consent is valid regardless of the presence of your telephone number on any state, federal or corporate «Do Not Call» list.

This consent contains restrictions that do not allow us to send subscribers more than 60 SMS-messages per month

This communication consent is valid for 36 months from the date of its adoption. In turn, this consent is automatically prolonging for another 36 months after its expiration, on the principle of tacit consent, unless you have notified us about the desire to revoke this consent / written refusal to automatically prolongate the consent/application for revocation (withdrawal of consent).

This permission may be terminated at any time by notifying us of your desire to terminate this consent.

SMS communications work with the following carriers: AT&T®, Sprint®, Boost®, Verizon Wireless®, U.S. Cellular®, Cellular One®, and T-Mobile®, MetroPCS®. Msg&Data Rates May Apply.

To receive assistance, the subscriber must write an SMS "HELP" in response to the received SMS. SMS-message «STOP» is considered an appropriate message about the desire to revoke this permission.

T-Mobile® is not liable for delayed or undelivered messages.

8. Copyright. We respond to properly submitted notices of alleged copyright infringement that comply with applicable law. If you believe that your content has been copied in a way that constitutes copyright infringement, please provide us with the following information: (i) a physical or electronic signature of the copyright owner or a person authorized to act on their behalf; (ii) identification of the copyrighted work claimed to have been infringed; (iii) identification of the material that is claimed to be infringing or to be the subject of infringing activity and that is to be removed or access to which is to be disabled, and information reasonably sufficient to permit us to locate the material; (iv) your contact information, including your address, telephone number, and an email address; (v) a statement by you that you have a good faith belief that use of the material in the manner complained of is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agent, or the law; and (vi) a statement that the information in the notification is accurate, and, under penalty of perjury, that you are authorized to act on behalf of the copyright owner. Under the U.S. Digital Millennium Copyright Act, our designated copyright agent for notice of alleged copyright infringement appearing on the Websites is:

Attention: Copyright Agent

Address: 200 Continental Drive, Suite 401, Newark, Delaware, US

We reserve the right to remove any content alleged to be infringing without prior notice, at our sole discretion, and without liability to you, and/or to terminate your account if it is determined that you knowingly posted infringing content.

9. Assumption of Risk & Limitation of Liability. You expressly agree to assume any and all risks that may be associated with using our Website. In no event shall we be liable to you or any other party for any indirect, special, incidental, consequential, or punitive damages, however and wherever arising, that may result from your use of any element of the Website, including without limitation to losses incurred due to: (a) any monetary loss; (b) software glitches, server failures, power outages, or any other issue beyond our control; (c) any delays in or failure of the Website to operate as described; (d) any infringement of copyrights, trademarks, trade secrets, rights of publicity or other proprietary rights or any other harm resulting from the submission of User Content; or (e) any unauthorized disclosure of account information that may occur through the actions of any third party, such as hackers.

10. Indemnification. You agree to defend, indemnify and hold us, together with its officers, directors, employees and agents, harmless, from and against any and all claims, damages, obligations, losses, liabilities, costs or debt, and expenses (including but not limited to attorney's fees) arising from: (i) your use of and access to the Website; (ii) your violation of any term of these Terms; (iii) your violation of any third-party right, including without limitation any copyright, property, or privacy right; or (iv) any claim that your use of the Website caused damage to a third party. This defense and indemnification obligation will survive these Terms and your use of the Website.

11. No Warranty. We make no representation or warranty that: (a) the Website will be free of errors, bugs, or glitches, or that any such error, bug, or glitch will be corrected; (b) servers that house the Website are free of viruses or other malicious code; and (c) your use of the Website is in compliance with the Terms of Service of any third party, including, without limitation, third party social media services. THE WEBSITE IS PROVIDED ON AN "AS IS" BASIS WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY WHATSOEVER.  WE PROVIDE NO WARRANTIES WHATSOEVER REGARDING ACCURACY, RELIABILITY, OR DELIVERY, AND HEREBY DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES, WHETHER EXPRESS, IMPLIED, OR STATUTORY ARISING FROM COURSE OF DEALING, USAGE, OR TRADE, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, NON-INFRINGEMENT, OR TITLE.

12. Arbitration Agreement. THIS SECTION INCLUDES A WAIVER OF YOUR RIGHTS. You agree to arbitrate all disputes and claims that arise out of or relate to your use of the Website. Therefore, you agree that, by using the Website, YOU ARE WAIVING YOUR RIGHT TO A TRIAL BY JURY or to participate in any class action based on or involving claims brought in a purported representative capacity on behalf of the general public, other users, or other persons similarly situated. This agreement to arbitrate includes, but is not limited to, any dispute, claim or controversy arising out of or relating to your use of the Website. Any such dispute shall be determined by arbitration to be held in Palo Alto, California before one arbitrator. Any party to an arbitration proceeding may appear remotely by telephone or Internet. The arbitration shall be administered by JAMS pursuant to its Streamlined Arbitration Rules and Procedures. Judgment on the Award may be entered in any court having jurisdiction. This clause shall not preclude parties from seeking provisional remedies in aid of arbitration from a court of appropriate jurisdiction.

13. Choice of Law; Forum. You agree that the Website shall be deemed based in California, USA, and is housed on a passive server that does not give rise to personal jurisdiction over our website, either specific or general, in any jurisdiction other than California. This document shall be governed in all respects by the laws of the State of California, without regard to conflict of law rules. Any claim or dispute you may have against us, whether subject to mandatory arbitration or otherwise, must be brought in Palo Alto, California. For any matters not subject to mandatory arbitration, you agree to submit to the personal jurisdiction of the courts located within Santa Clara County, CA for the purpose of litigating all such claims or disputes. All claims filed or brought contrary to this section shall be considered improperly filed. Should you file a claim improperly, we may recover reasonable attorneys’ fees and costs, provided that we have notified you in writing of the improperly filed claim and you have failed to withdraw the claim promptly.

14. Limitation of Actions. Any claim or cause of action arising out of your use of the Website must be filed within one year after such claim or cause of action arose or it shall forever be barred, notwithstanding any statute of limitations or other law to the contrary. Within this period, any failure by us to enforce or exercise any provision of these Terms or any related right shall not constitute a waiver of that right or provision.

15. Modification and Notice of Changes. We reserve the right to change, modify, add, or remove any element of the Website and portions of these Terms, without advance notice to you. We will notify you of any changes to these Terms by posting a notice on the Home page of our website. Except as stated elsewhere, such amended terms will be effective immediately and without further notice. Your continued use of the Website after the posting of changes constitutes your binding acceptance of such changes.

16. Entire Agreement and Severability. These Terms and any document incorporated by reference herein, together with the Privacy Policy, constitute the entire agreement between you and us and govern your use of the Website, superseding any prior agreements between us. If any provision of these Terms is found by a court or other binding authority to be invalid, the remaining provisions contained in these Terms shall continue in full force and effect.

17. For Residents of Certain States.If you are a California resident, by using the Site, you explicitly waive the rights granted to you under California Civil Code 1542, which states: "A general release does not extend to claims which the creditor does not know or suspect to exist in his favor at the time of executing the release, which, if known by him must have materially affected his settlement with the debtor."

Under California Civil Code Section 1789.3, California residents are entitled to the following specific consumer rights notice: The Complaint Assistance Unit of the Division of Consumer Services of the California Department of Consumer Affairs may be contacted in writing at 400 R Street, Suite 1080, Sacramento, California 95814, or by telephone at (916) 445-1254 or (800) 952-5210.

If you are a New Jersey resident, certain sections of this Terms of Use may not apply to you pursuant to the New Jersey Truth in Consumer Contract, Warranty, and Notice Act.  Additional states may not allow an exclusion or limitation of liability, so the above limitation or exclusion may not apply to you.

If you have any questions or concerns with respect to these Terms, please contact us via our contact form or email us at:


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NOTE: By promoting our offer you agree to follow our affiliate terms. Any affiliate caught breaking these terms will be immediately blacklisted.

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Affiliate Terms of Use

All Affiliate advertising must NOT include content that is deceptive, misleading, untruthful, unsubstantiated, or otherwise fails to comply with applicable federal and state consumer protection laws, regulations, and guidelines. All affiliates (regardless of their country of domicile) MUST be in compliance with all applicable laws, regulations, and guidelines, including without limitation the Federal Trade Commission Act (“FTC Act”), the Controlling the Assault of Non-Solicited Pornography and Marketing Act of 2003 (“CAN-SPAM Act”), Federal Trade Commission (“FTC”) regulations and guidelines implementing the FTC Act and the CAN-SPAM Act, the FTC’s Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising (“FTC Testimonials Guide”), the National Advertising Division decisions of the Better Business Bureau, and other federal and state consumer protection laws, regulations, and guidelines.

Affiliates are NOT permitted to use ANY of Leptofix before and after photos, or user testimonials in their promotions. Affiliates may not bid on “Leptofix” based keywords, use the term “Leptofix” in any pay per click ads, use any terminology in ads or landing pages that are similar to ‘scam’ or ‘fraud’, or create customer incentives for purchasing Leptofix (through cash rebates or 3rd party bonus offers – NO BONUSING!).

Affiliates must also NEVER use any full or part of images or videos (including our sales and promotional video) that they do not own (unless given permission by this website), and are forbidden from using any imagery that would imply any personal endorsement (celebrity or otherwise) without written consent from both the individuals making the endorsement and Leptofix.

Affiliates must NEVER link directly to our checkout pages, our discounted checkout page, nor the discount sales page. All affiliate traffic must pass through our website. Affiliates must never attempt to sell our product at a discount. This includes creating discount offer pages linking directly to the checkout. Any affiliate caught doing this practice will be blacklisted immediately. All affiliate traffic MUST come through our sales page.

Affiliates are forbidden from creating web pages, social media pages or accounts that falsely represent themselves as the creators or owners of Leptofix product and must make it clear that the page is a review page. It is strictly forbidden to create apps for sale or for giveaway using Leptofix brand. You are also not allowed to create any other products using our brand name, for sale or for giveaway (in other words – no free reports, books, workouts, or apps branded with our brand name whatsoever). In short, do not represent a product created by you or someone hired by you as ours.

You are not allowed to promote Leptofix on retail sites, auction sites, or app stores such as Amazon, eBay, Google Store, iTunes, or any other site that falls into these categories, in any way, shape, or form (this includes products created by you or by us). As well, selling products branded with Leptofix brand on Craigslist, Kijiji, or any other classified ad network is forbidden.

Affiliate agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless Leptofix from any lawsuits, investigations, claims, or complaints arising from any such violation or alleged violation of the terms above. Leptofix shall not be responsible to approve any Affiliate Ads. Compliance is solely with the Affiliate and the Affiliate represents and warrants that it shall have legal review of all Affiliate Ads for all necessary and required compliance. Affiliates take full responsibility for their advertising.

Any affiliate caught breaking any of these terms will be banned immediately without hesitation, and will not be eligible for reinstatement.

Returns & Refunds

We hope that you’ll absolutely love our products.

For every order you place with us, you are fully protected by a 60 day 100% money-back return policy.

Here’s how it works:

If for any reason you are dissatisfied at any time during the 60 days after purchase, simply send us the product back by mail to the address you’ll find below.

Once we receive your product, we’ll start processing your refund which will take between 3 to 5 days.

To be eligible for a refund, your refund request should come no later than 60 days after we shipped your product to you. You can find the date on the package when you receive it or inside your confirmation email.

Send your product return by mail to:

19655 E. 35th Dr. #100, Aurora, CO 80011

Please keep in mind that we do not support the return shipping costs.

Follow these steps to get a refund:

  1. Fill the Return and Refund Form you received with your order.
  2. Send us back the product at the above address.
  3. Please be patient, we’ll refund your order in no time, once we receive your package. We’ll also send you an email and let you know it has been done.

Finally, and this is totally optional and at your discretion, we sure would appreciate it if you would include some explanation for why you’re requesting a refund, so we can work to make the product better.

We want you to be completely satisfied and we appreciate your feedback.

If you have any questions about the product, contact us at support@ and we’ll get back to you in less than 24 hours.

Contact Us

If you have any questions please contact us at by email at support@ or simply fill out the form below.


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